Saturday 15 February 2014

Cluster Swimming Carnival

Cluster Swimming Carnival
By Sinead and Matthew D

On the 10th of February 2014 some swimmers from Year 5 represented Christ The King in the cluster swimming carnival.  The Year 5 representatives were:
Sinead: 50m butterfly.
Jamie: Junior relay.
Matthew D: 50m butterfly, 50m breaststroke, 50m freestyle, 50m backstroke and the senior relay.
Matthew K:  Junior relay, 50m freestyle.

The weather was a bit overcast and cold in the morning but got a little hotter during the day. The swimming carnival was held at Revesby swimming centre.

It was fun and everyone enjoyed themselves and had a go.

Congratulations to our swimming representatives!          


  1. Great job to all that went to the swimming carnival and represented our school! Hope you had a good time!

  2. Hi Matthew and Sinead
    WOW it sounded like a lot of fun. I thought you guy's won.
    Regards James

  3. It was fun and wet

  4. Great work to all the people for going to the Cluster Swimming Carnival and representing Christ The King. Keep up the good work!

  5. It sounds like it was a lot of fun!

  6. Great Job everyone

  7. it was very fun there but i failed:(

  8. It was really cold that day and the water was really cold that I couldn't swim after that I came out and was even more cold I hope this year it will be hot not cold.

  9. I really liked how you added colour

  10. That swimming carnival was so tiring hopefully I don't have to do it again this year.

  11. Great work it was very fun
